Book Name: Sahib Swat
Review by: SHAH SAUD TORU- PhD Scholar
The credit for the re-publication of Sahib Swat after seventy years goes to a renowned sociologist Dr. Professor Syed Rashid Ali Toru. He is a Professor of Sociology at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. He comes from a famous Syed Family, Akhund Khel, Toru, Mardan. This family has exceptional contribution in the field of religious education, Sufism, jihad, social services, literature and modern education. He has a dozen of published Articles in National and International Journals. It is the result of their hard work, day and night sweats and constant efforts.
He has enhanced the prestige and brilliance of the book by providing informative footnotes, scholarly explanations, bibliography and rare photographs. It is a testament to their knowledge of friendship, their unconditional love for their forefathers and their deep devotion. May Allah Grant him more strength and courage.
When Sahib Swat came to the fore, there was a flurry of translator and translation in literary and scholarly circles. But unfortunately this book was still printed in small numbers. Hand in hand, it soon became rare and even phoenix.
Then the selflessness and tolerance of the translator did not bother to look back. Despite the enthusiastic demands of the friends, it was not the turn of the second publication and thus the translation gradually went into obscurity. It even happened with the minds. Then the coming generations did not even remember that there was a book called Sahib Swat and it also had a Translater. Whose living style had once held captive.
Our great-grandfather Hazrat Maulana Hafiz Syed Mohammad Hafizullah (may Allah have mercy on him) had close spiritual ties with Hazrat Akhund Sahib (may Allah have mercy on him). He used to send his sons to pray in the service of Akhund Sahib.
His eldest son Maulana Syed Mohammad Ishaq (may Allah have mercy on him) used to attend the service of Akhund Sahib (may Allah have mercy on him) and he used to have devotional relations with him.
In fact, this scholarly historical document written in Persian by Hazrat Maulana Hafiz Mohammad Ismail Gillani (Toru).
In which he shed light on the militant life, jihadi activities and deeds of the spiritual leader Hazrat Maulana Akhund Abdul Ghafoor.
His grandson Muhammad Zahoor-ul-Haq Toru (1924-1995) compiled and edited the manuscript in his youth.
Muhammad Zahoor Ul Haq has a unique style of writing. he wrote many Essays and articles for different journals. When a reader reads his writings, it seems that beautiful words are anxiously waiting to jump from the nip of his pen to the paper. In fact, words appear to be dancing to him and he is choosing from those words with a smiley and content expression on face. He dressed it in Urdu words and published it in book form.
Overall the 2nd Addition of this book is very interesting, it is not difficult to read, a source of knowledge, motivation, inspiration and encouragement for all those who pursue a purpose in life. It has a flavor of history, literature, and life struggle. Although, Hazrat Akhund Sahib faced many hardships in his spiritual journey, however, he never loses his love and interest for jihad and spirituality.
Very Soon the Book will be Available for Download on this website.
I must recommend to everyone to Download the book and share with your knowledge seeker friends and family.
Book Title

Book Name: Tazkira Jameel
“Tazkira Jameel: Dastan e Azm o Himmat: Raeesul Huffaz Allama Muhammad Abdul Jameel (RA)” is a recent book written by the honorable Professor Muhammad Tayyab ullah, published by Maktabatul Ahrar Charsadda Road Mardan in 2021. The book covers Allama Abdul Jameel’s life from 1864 to 1900 (a total of 36 years).
The writer remained a Professor of Urdu in government post graduate college Narawal, Punjab. After retirement, he shifted to his native village Toru, Mardan. He comes from a famous Syed Family, Akhund Khel, Toru, Mardan. This family has exceptional contribution in the field of religious education, Sufism, jihad, social services, literature and modern education. He has a dozen of published and unpublished books and articles to his credit. He has a unique style of writing. When a reader reads his writings, it seems that beautiful words are anxiously waiting to jump from the nip of his pen to the paper. In fact, words appear to be dancing to him and he is choosing from those words with a smiley and content expression on face.
The present book of the writer is about his grandfather’s life based on the manuscript of the Allama Abdul Jameel originally written in Persian language, the then academic language. The book consists of a total of 184 pages. The main theme of the book is the initial 36 years of the academic journey (both learning and teaching) of Allama Hafiz Abdul Jameel, Afghani, Peshawari, Tourvee.
From page 30-37, the book presented the chain of teachers and students (few) of the mentioned Scholar. The chain of teachers starts from Shah Waliullah (RA) and ends with Allama Lutfullah Aligarrhi. While names of few students are mentioned by the writer where Allam Anwer Shah Kashmiri, Mulana Lutfullah, Mulana Inayatullah, Mulana Abdul Haq Haqqani, Allama Lutf ur Rahman, Allama Hafiz Muhammad Ameen ul HAq, and Allama Hafiz Idrees Tourvee are included. In this section, there is a space for further research. The list of teachers, their specialization, biography could further be explored and similarly, the list of students of Abdul Jameel as Abdul Jameel remained in Hindustan for most of his learning and professional life.
From Page 38-50, the writer briefly introduced the branches of knowledge and list of books formally learnt by our progenitor. For about 14 years (till 1887), Hafiz Abdul Jameel studied these books from different teachers of the province now named as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The writer divides these 36 years of academic and teaching journey of the Allam Abdul Jameel into three periods for understanding of the readers. I am leaving these sections for the readers to explore.
From page 59-61, First period i.e., 1864-1878= a total of 14 years
From page 62-94, second period i.e., 1879-1886= a total of 8 years
From page 95-127, Third period i.e., 1887-1900= a total of 14 years
From page 128-150, the book contains some parts of letters and certificates issued by different prominent persons to Hafiz Abdul Jameel during these years.
Last section of the book is titled as “Pas-e-Tahreer” including bibliography that spread from page 151-184.
Overall the book is very interesting, not difficult to read, thought provoking, a source of motivation, inspiration and encouragement for all those who pursue a purpose in life. It has a flavor of history, literature, and live struggle. Although, Allama Hafiz Abdul Jameel faced plenty of hardships in his powerful journey, however, he never loses his love and interest for acquiring quality education and disseminating the same.
I would recommend the book to everyone!
Dr. Syed Rashid Ali,
Associate Professor of Sociology
Abdul Wali Khan University of Mardan
November 27, 2021

Book Title

Book Name: IMAM-E-AZAM
The first research book of Mr. Israr-ur-Rahman (Israr da Toru)
Book Review
Mandanr (Tribe of Yusafzai) geographically settled in Swat, Swabi, Zaida, Hoti, Dir and Toru. This region is in the hold of Yusafzai elders. Among them Toru and Shamat pur of District Mardan had a prestigious and unique position among the region. Particularly In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Afghanistan, India and Mauritius, these villages were considered a place of wisdom and knowledge because of great religious scholars and that’s why TORU is known as “BUKHARASANI and YUNAN e SANI.
At a time there were thirty to forty Jurisprudents, Mufassir Hadith , Mufassir Quran, Tibb, Hikmat (Medicine), scholars were available in spreading knowledge. From the surrounding area the knowledge seekers used to came TORU to gain the spiritual and literary knowledge from these ulama and scholars.
Since 1580 century , TORU has been home to a family of Abdul Azizi Hasani Sadaat who was a central figure in the yusafzai tribe, the members of thisfamily were blessed with religious and spiritual knowledge.
The Heirloom of this family is NOOR UL ULAMA SHEIKH AKHUND YUNAS GILLANI almaroof NOOR MOHAMMAD KHAO BABA “ he enriched his spirituality and spiritual knowledge from Qadri , Chashti, Naqashbandi and Suhurwardi school of thought”. His Shrin is situated at Khao a sub Village of TORU.
This great scholar and spiritual leader “Akhund Yunas Gillani- 989-1059 Hijri” was the Khalifa and son in law of Spiritual leader Akhund PANJU Baba, Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Wahab Akbar Pura, ‘927-1040 hijri’.
His clan/ lineage meet at the 11th step to the Hazrat Sayyedi Ghos ul Azam Mahboob Subhani, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani.
Hazrat Molana Syed Hafiz Hafeez Ullah
In the nineteenth century, a prominent Sufi Scholar, Hazrat Molana Syed Hafiz Hafeez Ullah who was a spiritual, enlighten, and a great Scholar, besides this he was known because of his five talented sons.
That is 1st Molana Muhammad IShaq baba G, 2nd Hazratr Molana Muhammad Ismail babab G, 3rd Hazrat Molana Mohammad Israil Shaheed babagi , 4th Ustadul Ulama raeees ul Huffaz Hazrat Alama Hafiz Mohammad abdul Jameel Baba G, and 5th hazrat Molana hafiz Abul Jaleel Baba G. They were shining stars. No doubt they all were living academies, spiritual leaders and influential figures of the era.
Their sons were also great Alim, Scholars, and influential figure.
Among them Molana Syed mohammad Ameen Ul Haq (provincial Khateeb of Punjab) was the son of Hazrat Molana Mohammad IShaq.
Molana Mohammad Ameen Khogyani ( Senator & Former Chief Justice Afghanistan) was the son of hazrat Molana Mohammad Israil Shaheed .
Hazrat Molana Mohammad Inayat Ullah (1910-1995) the Founder of Jamiat ul Abrar, a Great Alim Deen, Social Reformer, and Khudai Khidmatgar. The founder of Darul Uloomi Haqania Akora Kahatak Sheikh ul hadees Molana Abdul Haq And Molana Yunas Khalis ‘ Leader of Hizbi Islam Iafghanistan were his pupils at this Madrassa was the son of Raees Ul Huffaz Hazrat Allama Hafiz Abdul Jameel.
Molana Hafiz Abdul Nabi the straight forward and bold alim e deen was life time Khateeb of the Toru Masjid. They all were the enlightened sons of Darul uloom e Deoband.
Israr Ur Rahman
Syed Israr Ur Rahman (israr da Toru) is the grandson of Raees Ul Huffaz Hazrat Allama Hafiz Abdul Jameel ( 1864-1946) and the elder son of Hazrat Molana Mohammad Inayat Ullah Torvi (1910-1995), Mushtaq Ur Rahman in the literary world known as Meem Rey Shafaq is his Youngest Brother. Mr. Israr Ur Rahman born on 15th September 1939-alive. He served in Government elementary and secondary education department for 36 years and retired as Principal in September 1999.
Honorable ISrar Ur rahman studied religious books and gained knowledge from his father Molana Mohammad Inayat Ullah, his Uncle Molana Hafiz Lutur Rahman, Molana Professor Hafiz IDrees, Molana Hafiz Syed Gul Badshah (Ameer Jamiat Ul Ulama Pakistan) and from his grandfather hazrat Molana Muhammad Ismail Baba G and that is why he is an eloquent Scholar and Khateeb.
When his father in law Hazrat Molana Qazi Noor Ur Rahman (1901-1997) a great Sufi and spiritual Alim Deen and Khateeb passed away, the disciples’ followers and the devotees unanimously agreed to pay their respect of Dastar to Honorable ISrar Ur Rahman. Along with his government job as Principal Government high School Sharqi hoti he also preached at the Masjid Firdos Khan in Hoti Mardan for some time.
Respected Israr Ur rahman is a poet, writer, who has written many books i.e. Imam E Azam ‘Pashto’ in 1965, Zama Kitab ‘ Pashto’ in 1988, Da Haramaino Safar o Da HAj Masali ‘Pashto’ in 1990, Da Quran Da Ayatuno Shmir ‘ Pashto’ in 2003, Adabi hasi yo Jondi Tasveer ‘pashto, 2004, Da Kabal Safar ‘Pashto, 2006, Lala Zaar da Parharoono ‘Pashto Poetry’ 2013, Khat mul Mursaleen ‘Pashto’ 2015, da Toru day o Alim e Deen Inayat “yo so Khatiri”, Pashto 2020, Noorani Naghmi ‘ Pashto’ 2021,and Imam E Azam “2nd Edition, March 2021. Besides this he wrote countless articles in Urdu, Pashto and English language which have been published in many journals of the country.
IMAM E AZAM (This Book)
Imam E Azam is the first book of Israr Da Toru, which he has written in the age of 25 in 1965.
The attribution of this book “IMAM E AZAM” has been given by Israr da Toru to his maternal uncle Hud Hud e Sulaimani Hazrat Molana Hafiz Lutfur Rahman.
This is a scholarly essay on the life and personality of Hazrat Nouman bin Sabit known as IMAME AZAM and Imam Aboo Hanifa. The first edition of this book was published by the University book Agency owner Molana Abdul Manan Saib in 1965. This book is written by an elegant and fluent person with historical references. The composing of 2nd edition of this book is made by Saleem Nashad, proof reading was made by the great scholar Meem Rey Shafaq and organized, funded and published by Professor Dr. Syed Rashid Ali with the support of Bukharasani Ilmi Adabi Markaz Toru, Mardan.
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Book Name: Khatiry written by Israr-ur-Rahman
Book Review
“Khatiry” meaning “The Story”, is a research book written by a renowned Pashto Poet and scholar Mr. Israr da Toru on his father, Mulana Inayat Ullah Torvi sb on his political struggle, social work, peace building and conflict resolutions efforts in the region. There are more than 29 real case studies, and his real communication through letters from Haripur Jail in 1948 to 1951 with family members and other influential personalities of the region. The original letters are also included in the book. Their are few pictures of Mulana sb with some of influential Ulema (his cousins) are also included in the book.
The book also covers his life in prison. The book would help readers to understand the importance of “Jirga System” of Pashtoon culture and its role in peace building and conflict resolution. The scholars and youth of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa can get guidance and inspiration from this book who are working on same subject areas.
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Book Name – Mother (Mor) compiled by Akbar Hoti
The 3rd edition of books Mother (Mor) will soon be available in local market.

Book Name: Kabal Ke Owa Kala
Book Review
“Kabul ki owa kala” is the diary of Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi, a political activist and a verdant writer. Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi was Sikh converted to Islam. This diary is comprised of his political struggle, translated by Syed Attaullah Shah Ahrar.
Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi has stated many things in allusions in this book. Later on, his personal Secretary Zafar Hassan Aibak published his biography in which he explained those allusions. Zafar Hassan Aibak biography scripts are also included in the footnotes in this diary to explain those allusions.
With the commencement of WW1 in 1914 Darululoom Deoband was making efforts to forward the cause of India freedom led by Sheikhulhind Mahmood Hassan. He himself left India and went to Ghalib Pasha(Khilafat E Usmania) for seeking help other necessary equipment’s to launch attack from Afghanistan against British rule. He sent his most trusted student Obaidullah Sindhi to Afghanistan to organize people and accomplish this task. They were somehow unsuccessful because Sheikhulhind Mahmood Hassan was arrested by Sharife Makkah and handed over to British army along his students including Mian Uzair Gul. Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi remained for seven years in Afghanistan. He had great affiliation with Ghazi Amanullah Khan. This book also covers the biographical sketch of Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi. The book will help the readers to know why Deoband School of thought shifted to work on the name of Indian nationalism instead of Pan Islamism. The book will let the readers know about the role of Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi and his struggle for freedom in Afghanistan freedom movement.
About the Author

The Author, Atta Ullah Shah Ahrar is graduated in Sociology from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan with distinction and currently pursuing higher studies from international Islamic university Islamabad. The author core interests are sociology of Religion and Religion & Modernity, flexibility in religion towards modernity and the role of Darululoom Deoband in freedom movement.
