10 Secrets of Promoting Your YouTube Channel and Get More Views and Subscribers
This article will help you to increase your YouTube views and subscribers very fast. Keep reading this article till the end to promote your YouTube channel.
Yes, it’s very difficult to get more views and subscribers when you are starting from scratch. You spending lot of time in planning, scripting and editing videos but when you upload those videos to YouTube, only few people watch it.
How to grow your channel with very less number of viewers and subscribers?
What you will do when you are starting your channel from scratch?
Just follow the following guidelines and promote your channel:
1. Use Attractive Video Titles:
Always use attractive titles for your videos. The title shouldn’t be boring. Because people always searching for interesting facts and information. Always try to start your videos from how to, how I, secretes of and warning type titles. These are very powerful categories on YouTube.
2. Introduce Yourself and Your Channel:
When first time a visitor clicks on your channel, he/she must have detail information about your channel in the form of a short trailer. You should give them a reason to do something. They need to know that why they need to do it. Your introduction must address the following questions:
Who you are?
What information or knowledge you are sharing with them?
How often you upload videos? and
Why they should subscribe?
3. Always Respect your Viewers and Give Them a Positive Response:
Love and respect your viewers and not the money or your contents. Answer your viewers/fans. Don’t ignore their comments. This would make a huge difference. Give them a heart in comment. Remain connect with your fans and care about their thoughts.
4. Tell your Viewers, What you Want Them to Do:
Tell your viewers what you want them to do for example do you want them to share your videos? or do you want to subscribe or comment on your videos? You should tell them clearly. You will see a significant amount of increase in terms of views and subscribers.
5. Be Consistent:
It’s not a matter of few weeks or months, it’s a long term game. Most people give up very soon. They upload few videos and observe that no one is watching my videos or subscribing my channel and they give up. You need to stay consistent. The long term consistency works and your channel will grow. Continue uploading more useful videos.
6. Suggested Video Strategy:
The suggested video strategy would help you a lot to increase your views and subscribers. The main goal of this strategy is to show your video next to a popular video. To apply and know more about this strategy click here.
7. Add a Subscriber Button into Your YouTube Video:
You can add a subscriber button into YouTube videos. This can easily be done by adding a watermark into your videos and then turning that watermark into s a subscriber button. This is very important strategy to increase subscribers because people can subscribe your channel without stopping the video or leaving your page.
8. The Option of Next Video:
Provide a next video option to your views in the end screen can definitely increase your views. If the current video, the user is watching is interesting, he/she will definitely click the next button to watch your next video and will increase your videos watch time. It will also increase the chances to turn that viewer into a subscriber.
9. Improve Audience Attention:
If your videos have better audience attention, you will get more views and subscriber. You should develop good quality and interesting contents that views watch your videos till the end.
10. “About” Section of Your Channel:
The About section of your channel is very important as many people want to read about you and your channel. You should write all about you and your channel in the about section of your YouTube Channel and keep this section updated. If this section is attractive, there is a good chance that the person will subscribe your YouTube Channel.
10 Secrets of Promoting Your YouTube Channel and Get More Views and Subscribers by Mameen Khan.
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useful information for young lot