Escaping the Truth
The bravest thing in life is to confront the reality and accept it wholeheartedly. The constant denial of any reality will never solve the problem but will aggravate it. Speaking of mind without any external pressure will aware the society of its underlying problem and these problems will ultimately lead to some, if not full, solution. The hiding of truth never highlights the core issues and thus get little or no attention at all and never get the desired results.
Pakistan, as always discussed, is a resource-rich country but these resources are hardly exploited to its full potential and as a result we are still facing the pre-colonial issues. The rich-poor income gap is huge and is persistent over time and is hardly discussed. The healthcare system in Pakistan is a serious issue which is hardly discussed on the floor of both Upper and Lower Houses. Judicial system is another story which is full of flaws owing to pre-partition Procedure Codes and has failed to deliver speedy justice. Education has never got a fair share in the budget and poor development of various industries has never been able to employ the youth.
The protest culture in Pakistani politics is widely observed but only for personal or political gains like there are no other issues in this country. The above issues never or hardly got any attention and thus are persistent. These are realities and should be discussed openly and discussed on every legal forum to get the desire attention and get pragmatic solutions. These are realities and burying head in sand will never change the reality. The only possible way is to confront and accept it only then a real solution will come.
Understanding the problem is main part of solving a problem and it applies to all walk of life. While formulating any policy, the policymakers should be well researched and aware of the ground realities. Different opinions should be sought and that every issue should be kept in mind. The difference in opinion should be respected. Confronting and understanding reality is the only way out.

Escaping the truth written by: Baqir Ali
MS in Water Resource Engineering and Management from NUST, Islamabad.
Currently Assistant Commissioner (UT) in Establishment Department