From Statesman to Manager, Changing Role of Leadership
If a statesman was to think for future generation, the manager has to play a much greater role in the time of great turbulence. It is always argued that statesman is born with some kind of intellectual capacity and foresightedness, while the function of manger is mostly to manage. This is the reason that it is easy to be a manger than a statesman. The role of statesman is defined in good of politics while that of manager is in terms of economy and its regulation. The transformation caused by the confluence of various factors has resulted in complex state activities which require its handling beyond politics. Now more focus is laid on the economic aspects of the state. The rise of such leadership who not only lead but also manage is very important in the context of developing countries like Pakistan. The problem in Pakistan is that there are leaders but not mangers. However this situation can be turned around when there is mechanism in place which can give such leaders, and these leaders and mangers to play their role in the political context of Pakistan.
The current political dynamics have highlighted the difference between statesman and manager into prominence. As far as the term statesman is concerned, it is always used in political context. The use of such term could be found in the writings of Plato. The term manager on the other hand is used in the context of managerial functions of the state. It is the creation of public administration such concept arise that a leader has not only to rule, but also to manage the state affairs. In the time when state has expanded in terms of territory, functions, population, and economic activities, the role of manager has assumed great significance.
In sync with the transformation at different level, the nature and functions of the leadership have changed from that of political to manager. In 21st century such change is more evident. Similarly, the functions of the leader have changed. Initially, when state pertained to law and order, the functions were simple. In recent times, when states have become welfare state and states activities have changed from Geo-politics to Geo-economics, the leader has not only to lead but also to manage in better manner.
However, the rise of leader and manager in the context of developing countries like Pakistan is very important. Since independence, Pakistan faced a leadership void which created various problems at different times of the state. Since the demise of Quaid-e-Azam, no leader and manager emerged in Pakistan. Such a situation in Pakistan has been the main problem of political instability. The time when political parties strive to focus its private interest instead of public interest, the rise of such leader cannot be expected.
The situation can be turned around, if the various reforms are undertaken at various levels. For that purpose the local government system needs to be strengthened, opportunity to be provided to the grass root level worker so that he can reach to the top position at government. Similarly, there need to be platform where youth be engaged and there inputs are given due consideration. One of the important steps needs to be undertaken at education level where critical thinking needs to be implemented. This will go a long way for Pakistan to have leader- cum-manager capable of protecting country interest in this transformational times.
To conclude, the role of both manager and statesman is relevant. Initially statesman was at driving seat, now more focus is laid on the manager. Such change has been driven by the state role and function at domestic and global level while the role of manager is technocratic. Since independence, Pakistan lacks such type of leadership but the situation can be improved through meaningful and productive reforms at different level.
By: Aimal Khan Mandoori
“The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely of the author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of writersclubpk.com and its staff members”
The Author is a professional writer. He is a registered member of Writers Club Pakistan and his detailed profile is available in Writers Directory.
Nice efforts
Good job
Keep it up
Very General, you need to discuss some practical examples . The example of Singapore economy and Nordic countries should be discussed here.
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